Ah, raspberry. There is something about this flavor that makes everyone smile. Whether it's the color or the sweet-tart taste, we can never be quite sure. But, one thing's for certain: this is one flavor that is not going away any time soon. So if you're a fan of raspberry flavored candy, then you've come to the right place. After all, our Gummi Raspberries are here for you!
The perfect way to get your gummi fix and your raspberry fix, all in one bite, our Gummi Raspberries 6 Ounce Peg Bags are too good to ignore. These little gems are chock full of your favorite flavored candy, so you can rest assured that your snack times will always be right on target. Whether you choose to share these gems or keep them for yourself is entirely up to you!
Gummi Raspberries are packed in 6 Ounce Peg Bags. There are six bags in every box, so go crazy! Or just make sure you've stocked up.